The importance of anti-doping education

The IGF recognises that education contributes to a long-term solution to prevent doping through effective values-based educational programs. A number of resources are available online to ensure athletes and their entourage are aware of the anti-doping rules and procedures as well as to foster a doping-free culture in our sport.

The IGF Education Plan is available to National Federations or Anti-Doping Organisations upon request.

ITA Webinar Series: the ITA is hosting a series of free webinars for National Federation Members on various aspects of Anti-Doping through 2023. These Webinars are a great opportunity to learn about anti-doping by taking a course, at no cost to your Organisation. We greatly encourage you to participate and also to invite your members to sign up. The course is open to anyone from your community – not just players, but also the wider entourage.

The dates for the 2025 IF Webinar Series are:

  • Webinar 1: Wednesday 27 August, 14:00-15:00 CEST
  • Webinar 2: Wednesday 3 September, 14:00-15:00 CEST
  • Webinar 3: Wednesday 10 September, 14:00-15:00 CEST

For more information, please refer to the ITA website here.

The Consequences of Doping

There are many risks associated with doping. From negative effects on mental and physical health, to loss of sponsorship or prize money, to permanent damage to an athlete’s image and relationships, it is important to understand and consider all consequences of doping. Below is a list of some of the common consequences of not competing clean.


The use of Performance-enhancing Drugs (PEDs) may have long- and short-term impacts on the Athlete’s physical and mental health.

Depending on the substance, the dosage and the duration of use, some PEDs have been proven to have severe side effects and can cause irreversible damage to an athlete’s body.

In addition to the physical aspects, scientific research has shown that there is a considerable correlation between the use of PEDs and mental health issues. Most commonly, it was found that the use of doping substances can trigger anxiety, obsessive disorders or psychosis.


Being associated with doping or a doping offence will have an impact on the person’s reputation and social relations. In the public view, Athletes or other persons convicted of doping are often considered “cheaters” and experience many forms of stigma.

Doping has a significant negative impact on the person’s private life and social interactions as people may feel that they no longer want to be connected to someone who has damaged the reputation of a sport and displayed poor judgement.


A ban resulting from an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) will have a significant financial impact on the individual. For athletes, this includes, but is not limited to, the requirement to return prize money or a financial sanction. Other negative consequences of doping include termination of contracts and sponsorship deals, loss of government funding and other forms of financial support.


An Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) will have an impact on an athlete’s ability to train and compete. For coaches and other Athlete Support Personnel, a ban may mean that they are no longer able to work with athletes. A sanction resulting from an ADRV can range from a warning to a lifetime ban from all sport.

It is also important to note that individuals banned in the sport of golf will also be prohibited from playing, coaching or working with athletes in any other capacity in a different sport.

It is also a violation of the Code to work with Athlete Support Personnel who have been sanctioned by an ADO, as well as any coaches, trainers, physicians or other Athlete Support Personnel who are ineligible on account of an ADRV, or those who have been criminally convicted or professionally disciplined in relation to doping.

General anti-doping documentation on the IGF's anti-doping program can be found here.

Outreach programs are set up around IGF events to educate the athletes and their entourage on the dangers and consequences of doping. The IGF creates a specific anti-doping handbook for each of its events and encourages athletes to take the Anti-Doping Pledge: “I am an athlete who has the right to participate in clean sport. I will embrace the spirit of sport, respect my competitors, my sport and all those involved in my sporting endeavours. I will Play True and Say No! To Doping.”

Online resources for athletes, coaches and sport physicians

ADEL – eLearning Tool for Athletes

The anti-doping e-learning platform (ADeL) is an online tool developed by WADA that offers courses for athletes, coaches, doctors, administrators and anyone interested in learning more about anti-doping and protecting the values of clean sport.

Play True Quiz

The Play True Quiz is an interactive computer game developed by WADA that tests athletes' and their entourage’s knowledge in anti-doping. It is an integral element of anti-doping outreach programs and has been showcased at major events including the Olympic Games.


Documents in force as of 1 January 2024

The IGF Anti-Doping Policy is based on the World Anti-Doping Code and has been adapted to golf. Under the IGF anti-doping program, players are tested for banned substances and methods in accordance with the Prohibited List of the World Anti-Doping Code.

The World Anti-Doping Code is published by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and is the core document that provides the framework for harmonised anti-doping policies, rules and regulations within sport organizations and among public authorities. It works in conjunction with 8 International Standards aimed at bringing harmonisation among anti-doping organisations in various areas: Testing & Investigations (ISTI), Therapeutic Use Exemptions (ISTUE), Laboratories (ISL), Protection of Privacy and Personal Information (ISPPPI), Code Compliance by Signatories (ISCCS), Education (ISE - new in 2021), Results Management (ISRM - new in 2021) and the Prohibited List.

IGF Anti-Doping Privacy Notice

The IGF Anti-Doping Privacy Notice outlines how the IGF will collect, use and share personal information about you to run our anti-doping programme and create a clean sport environment for all athletes.

IGF Anti-Doping Privacy Policy

The IGF Anti-doping Privacy Policy is issued by IGF in accordance with the International Standard for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Information (“ISPPPI”) as set forth by the World Anti-Doping Agency (“WADA”). This Policy outlines the IGF’s main obligations and commitments towards the protection of personal data, solely relating to anti-doping activities, including the collection, processing, and disclosure of personal information in connection with anti-doping activities. This Policy governs privacy and data protection concerns related to the IGF’s anti-doping program, exclusively. The IGF also maintains a Privacy Policy to govern data protection and privacy in other aspects of the organization. In the event of conflict or inconsistency between this policy and any other rule or policy, in connection with an anti-doping matter, the terms and conditions of this Policy shall apply.


Is there a risk of doping when taking nutritional supplements?

Yes. Extreme caution is recommended regarding supplement use even when no prohibited substance is listed on the label. A number of positive tests have been attributed to the misuse of supplements, poor labelling or contamination of dietary supplements.

The use of dietary supplements by athletes is a concern because in many countries the manufacturing and labelling of supplements may not follow strict rules, which may lead to a supplement containing an undeclared substance that is prohibited under anti-doping regulations. Taking a poorly labelled dietary supplement is not an adequate defence in a doping hearing.

Neither WADA nor the IGF is involved in any supplement certification process and therefore do not certify or endorse manufacturers or their products. WADA and the IGF do not control the quality or the claims of the supplements industry.

Further information on the Risk of Using Supplements.