


In line with the core principles of the International Golf Federation, every individual involved in the world of golf, whether they are players, coaches, officials, staff, or volunteers, has an unequivocal right to dignity, safety, and protection. The well-being of all members of the golf community, with particular attention to the well-being of children and vulnerable adults, is our top priority. Any instance of abuse or harassment within the golf community is not in harmony with the values of our sport, and it undermines the unique essence of golf.

In the domain of golf, regardless of one's level of ability, age, ancestral heritage, athletic potential, citizenship, colour, creed, economic status, ethnic origin, family status, gender expression, gender identity, language, marital status, place of origin, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation, every participant has an indisputable right to bask in the shelter of cultural safety, physical well-being, and psychological peace.

What is Safeguarding

Safeguarding in golf is implementing mechanisms to protect athletes and participants from potential harm, abuse, or misconduct, ensuring a secure and supportive environment for all involved.

The International Golf Federation places a paramount emphasis on ensuring the safety and well-being of participants in its events through a robust Safeguarding policy. This policy encompasses a comprehensive set of measures designed to protect athletes, officials, and all involved stakeholders from any form of harm, abuse, or misconduct, and clearly details the procedure for addressing incidents of harassment and abuse that occur during an IGF event. The IGF's commitment to safeguarding is further strengthened by its alignment with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Framework for Safeguarding Athletes and Other Participants from Harassment and Abuse in Sport, which sets out the framework to help safeguard Athletes and other Participants from Harassment and Abuse during the Olympic Games. By aligning with the IOC Framework, it underscores the IGF's dedication to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and promoting a safe and inclusive sporting culture globally.

Report a concern

In the event that you cannot engage with someone immediately, please utilise our safeguarding email provided below to get in touch with the IGF Safeguarding officer at:

Cyber Abuse Protection for Athletes, Entourage and Technical Officials at Olympic Games Paris 2024

There is a growing concern about the prevalence of online abuse in sports. Such abuse undermines athletes' mental and emotional health and jeopardises their physical safety and professional futures. To address this, the IOC has engaged a leading data science company to provide its cyber abuse protection service at the Olympic Games Paris 2024. The service will be available to all competing athletes and is open to all entourage members and technical officials.

You can find out more about this initiative via the IOC website.


The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has created a toolkit to help sports organisations develop policies and procedures that can protect athletes from harassment and abuse. In addition to the toolkit, the IOC has also developed supplementary resources to provide individuals with a better understanding of athlete safeguarding. These resources can be found on the IOC Athlete Learning Gateway and are designed to educate athletes, their entourage, and others on the sensitive topic of athlete safeguarding.