
Inside IGF

Corporate Social Responsibility

United to make a real difference

For hundreds of years golf has given rise to social and environmental benefits. Continuing and improving on this tradition is more important than ever at a time when sustainability has become a critical global priority. The IGF and its member organisations are united in their focus on sustainability, recognising the important role golf can play, as a growing international sport, tightly intertwined with landscapes and communities.

Sustainable golf can be widely and credibly embraced across the industry – in the operations of existing courses, the design and construction of new developments, and in the venues and staging of tournaments.

Sustainability is a great fit for golf

Environmental and social stewardship has always been close to the heart of golf. Great golf respects its surroundings and honours the natural environment. As a green space, often in the middle of towns or cities, it provides natural habitats and ecosystems, improving the overall quality and treading lightly on natural resources. And fitting into the surrounding communities, golf provides employment, recreation and education.

Landscapes & Ecosystems

Landscapes and ecosystems cover the surface of the earth, connecting everything, providing the canvas on which we live, work and play. Great golf enhances landscapes and ecosystems, creating and sustaining beautiful and biologically rich open spaces.


Water is a critical commodity our societies must conserve and use responsibly. Golf can demonstrate leadership in sustainable water management in a number of ways, some followed successfully by course managers for years, others made possible through new innovations.

Energy & Resources

The global population and its demand for energy increases every day. How we meet that demand is the critical issue. Golf is responding across a wide range of areas from low resource turfgrass to energy for the clubhouse and machinery.

Products & Supply Chains

The products and services that golf uses need to be carefully considered to ensure a fair deal for businesses and for our planet. More and more golf businesses are mindful of their chain of supply when purchasing. It’s often only a small mind-shift that can make a big difference.

Environmental Quality

From manufacturing, processing and distribution of products, to the use of chemicals and fertiliser, to the cultivation of turf and seed and the way buildings are designed and managed, it all influences our world. A well planned, designed, constructed and managed golf facility can improve air, water and soil quality through sustained, consistent land and resource management.

For more information, read the Affordable Golf Facility Development and visit Sustainable.Golf


The IGF proudly supports and represents the actions of many partners across the sector. Our Sustainability Statement, backed by 153 golf associations globally, outlines the industry’s collective outlook and vision. The IGF also recognises the importance of leading by example through our own direct action.

Water Resources

The IGF actively supports the development and promotion of practical industry solutions. Here you will find information on leading sustainability tools for the industry.

It is a collection of case studies and tools for facilities, communities and golfers. Resources include water management tools, research on water use and data collection information. The Water Resource Center is provided and managed by the USGA.

USGA Water Resource Center

Further Resources and Information

Many partners across the golf industry are working together to drive the sustainable golf movement. This page provides links to several of these organisations for further information on their actions and commitment to enhance golf’s social and environmental value.

Grass roots Golf

Professional Golf

Golf Developments


Safeguarding the environment is a top global priority. As a growing international sport, requiring significant land use, golf has a responsibility to embrace the principles and practice of sustainability.

The International Golf Federation (IGF) and its member organisations recognise sustainability as a core priority, optimising the playing quality of the golf course in harmony with the conservation of its natural environment under economically sound and socially responsible management.

The IGF and its member organisations will:

  • make sustainability a central pillar of our mission
  • expand awareness and encourage action among golfers and golf facilities
  • promote best practice to minimise our sport's consumption of non-renewable natural resources
  • assist golf facilities to incorporate sustainable principles, practices and technology into daily business decisions and operations
  • encourage golfers to embrace environmentally sound practice in course preparation
  • conduct high-profile golf events in an environmentally responsible manner
  • continue to work to raise the profile of our sport's progress and contribution to environmental issues
  • embrace measurement, target setting, transparency and verification

Success in our joint efforts to promote a sustainable future for golf will deliver:

  • for the game; improved financial performance and enhanced profile
  • for the golfer; quality playing surfaces, value, challenges and rewarding experiences
  • for the environment; conservation of resources and biodiversity enhancement
  • for the community; employment, recreational green space and educational opportunities
  • The future will present many challenges but the IGF and its member organisations are working to ensure that many more generations will enjoy golf and the facilities on which it is played.