Our mission


  • the statutes, practice and activities of golf as the recognised International Federation within the Olympic and Paralympic Movements


  • golf within the Olympic and Paralympic movements and other international organisations and be a leading contributing partner.


  • the international growth of golf


  • the golf competitions at the Olympic Games, Youth Olympic Games, the World Amateur Team Championships, International and Regional Multi-sport events


  • the integrity of golf and protect athletes from doping and the manipulation of competitions and ensure their health, safety and well being


  • equality, inclusiveness and a sustainable approach across all levels of the organisation and the staging of its events

Our vision

We aim to:

  • Inspire through our actions and events;
  • Generate more fans and more golfers;
  • Foster sustainability, diversity and good governance;

Our Strategic Priorities 2021-2028

We are committed to four Strategic Priorities which reflect the four core activities of the IGF that guide all of our work and are critical to achieving our vision:

  • Administer
  • Represent
  • Events
  • Growth

17 strategic outcomes have been identified to achieve the four Strategic Priorities by 2028. The 2021-2028 Strategic Plan outlines these strategic outcomes and the major deliverables / key performance indicators for each IGF Function.

Robust programme management will continue to hold us to account against this detailed delivery plan. We are also aware that we will again likely face many challenges: of importance, will be us continuing to underpin our delivery approach with a constant focus on achieving these within our budget; integrating our plans with delivery partners; and continuing to engage and excite the public and the Olympic movement to maintain high levels of support for golf’s continuation within the Olympic Games programme.